Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Terrest House

Here are my row of terrest houses, the (incomplete) road and also original pictures and brickwork of what went into the creation of the 3D terrest houses. As you can see I added a lamppost and initially I wanted to have a car and a bike in the driveway.

Completed Tank

Here is my complete tank after moths of hard work I am satisfied with the outcome. It's probably one of the worst in the class but I think it actually looks like what I wanted to achieve. I worked hard on it and encountered many problems during the creation of the tank in general and also individual parts. The worksheets and the help of Alan gave me a better understanding of how 3ds Max works and what I can create on a program such as this which I never used beforehand if I put the effort and mindset into the work. The fact that I had never used the program before and never even heard of it made the project even more of a challenge. The project was more complex than the terrest houses assignment and required more effort and time. I found that no matter how strictly I stick to the tutorials and put the effort in the program is still difficult to use. After months of practice though and still struggling (heavily at times) I have a larger knowledge and understanding of 3ds max and fine it is a reliable and likable program.

Wheels and Track

Despite the fact that my wheels look like rims I found creating them was rather difficult. They turned out fine though as well as the caterpillar. On 3Ds Max they are both animated and look satisfactory. To create my wheels I would create the shape and then duplicate it so they would be back to back and duplicated in a line of 7 on either side. After creating my wheels I needed to have a track (caterpillar) around the wheels so to do this I created a spline to the right shape of the track. I then would create a small box that would be on either side of the tank body and duplicate this 50 times in the shape of the spline that would create a caterpillar-shape type track around the wheels.

Turret, Body and Features

Here is the no-too-far-from-complete screenshot of my tank. Everything before has been placed together to create the tank and this is the outcome. It is looking good up to now and I am fairly impressed with what I have produced so far. It ain't a wizard's creation but you can tell what it is.


These are in fact, manholes. Although they look like random green plates they are hatches. To create these I made cylinders and reduced the size of the height width so that they were quite wide but small in height. I would then highlight the edges and pull the hatch in so that it would deepen using 'select and uniform scale' and also the 'select and move' tool.


Here are my turrets. They're not fantastic but when they're placed on the tank the look like they belong. With these turrets in fact I had to redo them all over again halfway through the production of the tank because I made such substantial errors. In the end they turned out fine and I'm satisfied with them. To create these I more or less did the same as what I did to create the turret. I used a cylinder as the shape to create my guns. After edited the length, height and width I went onto the 'select and uniform scale' to mould the guns to the right shape but on a 3D scale.


This is the cage that is placed on the back of the tank. It doesn't look like anything in this screenshot but when placed on the tank it adds to the detail and accessories. I used a spline to go around the edge of one side of the rear end of the tank. I then duplicated it to the right. I did this to make the cage bars even. I cloned the bars twice and dragged them lower fitting perfectly onto the back of the tank.

Body and Turret

Here is the turret and the body of the tank constructed together. Up to now my tank looks moderately decent at halfway of completion. It isn't state of the art at this point and is lacking in certain impressive details but you can tell what it is up to now.


Here is the turret and the cannon of the turret both standing alone and compiled together to be the top of the tank. To create the turret I create a cylinder, edited the scales and rotated it. The cylinder would have many segments so I could extrude and model the shape. Using the 'select and uniform scale' tool in the 3D mode I would make curves and more intricate details to the turret. Neither the turret body or the cannon are perfect and I did encounter mistakes in the creation of a lot of things on my whole tank but fortunately you can clearly make out that this is a complete turret and I'm not lacking in anything in the completion.

Tank Body

Here is the body of the tank which I followed (as well as most of the other stuff) in a tutorial sheet. As you can see the body is well structured but is simple standing on it's own. To create this I used a large box and to put it to the right scale and the right shape I made sure it had many segments so that I could extrude and modify the vectors and give it angles and shape.